Good news: you are on vacation. Bad news: you still need to get your workout in and your hotel doesn’t have a gym. Or the kids wont let you leave to go to the gym. Or the baby has a fever and your husband is giving you the “you better not leave me” look. So there are three excuses right there, however I am going to give you my favorite, go-to sweat session that is bound to get your heart pumping. If you have kids, chances are you are probably not getting great sleep while all in the same room, but getting your sweat on will help release endorphins and give you more energy for your day. I like to wake up about an hour before my kids and start this workout. If you have some extra time after make sure to stretch!
On the Go Sweat Session
15 push ups (I do normal push ups but you can use your knees if needed)
20 bike crunches
25 full squats
30 lunges (each leg)
45 jumping jacks
50 jab punches
60 second wall sit
~repeat 3 times~
Staying on track while on vacation can be pretty tricky. Here are some additional tips to help keep you focused on your goals:
~Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate with water (this can help flush out extra carbohydrates you are eating while out and about)
~Pack your supplements and take them every day
~Stay active (swim in the pool with your kids, take the stairs instead of the elevator)
~Make smart choices when it comes to food, but don’t beat yourself up if you indulge. I am a very strict eater 95% of the time, but the other 5% I enjoy myself and eat the things that sound good to me. My rule of thumb while traveling is to eat according to my plan, but I will have one treat a day.
~Try to fit in one workout a day
~Plan ahead: the doughnut at breakfast looks tempting but you have plans to go get ice cream later with friends, don’t eat both, pick the one that is more appealing to you
~Involve your kids! If any of my children happen to be awake, I have them join me in my workout. This is a great one for kids too!
Most importantly, enjoy yourself and have fun. You are on vacation after all.