~Not going one more step~
When average people find out how much we travel, and that we do it all with four kids in tow, the general response is unanimous. “Your kids must love that!!!” is the overwhelming reaction to a life that is filled with gallivanting. When met with this reaction, we have learned to just smile and nod, the way that you do when the truth is sure to disappoint or confuse. After all, who wouldn’t love a life filled with jetsetting to beaches near and far, VIP meetings of everything from penguins to chefs, and backstage passes and tours?
It turns out; some of my children are just not all that impressed with the traveling lifestyle of their family.
~You guys have fun. I'll wait here.~
No one is more shocked by that truth than me. Its mind boggling that any children who bear the genetic stamp of parents with wanderlust coursing through their veins, would want to be homebodies. But that’s the thing about genetics; it’s a game of averages and when you roll the dice as more than typical, you end up with a few wild cards.
So we’ve gotten a couple of full scale wanderers and a couple of leave me here and send me postcard homebodies.
This has not been without its challenges. Trying to balance the needs of all our family members, especially when the stakes are my lovely travel plans, is something that we have learned to work through together. With a little give and take from everyone, we’ve found a way for the world conquerors to peacefully co-exist with the reluctant travelers.
It helps to have a plan and it helps to know that we are not alone. Other families, whether hard-core travelers or casual vacationers, are also dealing with reluctant traveling kids. There are kids who would rather stay home and make plans with friends, and there are kids who would rather spend time with their cell phone than out in the real world. Some kids are just introverted and a life of travel is just exhausting, while some have special needs that make traveling feel like an insurmountable challenge. Whatever the reason, there is a way to find harmony with the reluctant traveler.
~Just leave me here. Alone.~
- Talk about the reluctance. Get it all out there on the table, and ensure your child that you are ready and willing to work together. Find out what exactly it is that makes them want to avoid the next family excursion. Sometimes assumptions can be wrong, and you might find that you can easily work around the sticking point and go on to have a very pleasant trip.
- Allow partial participation. We have learned that our reluctant travelers are willing to go along for the ride, if they don’t have to experience it whole hog. While I would much rather everyone see the entire museum together, sometimes it is better for all if we let the reluctant ones take a break on a bench for an hour to recharge. It’s a compromise, but it’s worthwhile.
- Compromise is key. I like to do things my way (who doesn’t right?), but in a family give and take is a part of the game. Occasionally, I play the parent card and insist that things are done my way, but most of the time I like to give the respect I want from my kids and listen to their needs. Accommodating their traveling needs and desires, particularly when they don’t quite line up with my own ideas, is not as easy as putting my foot down, but it helps in terms of attitude and overall willingness to cooperate.
- Make sure basic needs are met. There’s a saying that a cranky child is hungry or sleepy or both and that certainly comes into play when traveling with children, particularly reluctant children. If a child doesn’t want to be there in the first place, it’s going to be infinitely worse, if they don’t want to be there and they are hungry. Keep bellies full and allow for plenty of rest.
- Give up some power. Again, as much as my position as the parent relies on a certain amount of hierarchy, in the name of happy travels, it helps to turn over the reins. Reluctant travelers often need to feel like they have some control, so giving them responsibility to choose the dinner location or the evening activity is a win/win for the entire family.
- Get their input. Getting reluctant travelers invested in the trip from the beginning can head off plenty of headaches during the trip. Give the most reluctant members of the family a role in planning so that they feel like they are a part of the process.
- Find a new way to explore. Tours of any kind are absolute misery to one of my travelers, but by accident we discovered that he can tolerate a tour if he has a video camera to keep him occupied. Score one for the entire family! Taking pictures, collecting memorabilia, or updating Instagram are great ways to give unwilling participants a way to enjoy the process.
- Set the expectations. Being a reluctant traveler is one thing; being a reluctant traveler who whines and makes everyone miserable is another. The rule in our family is that you don’t have to like it, but you may not complain about it. It’s a simple rule, but it works to show respect for the entire family.
- Leave them at home. There was a time that I thought I would never, ever leave a part of the family at home while another part of the family traveled. Never say never, I suppose, because trips that don’t involve the whole family happen pretty often. I am big fan of family togetherness, but that has to be balanced with each individual person’s needs. Sometimes it’s best for everyone if some of us go and some of us stay.
- Accept the reluctance. In my dream world, all of my kids would have the same wanderlust as their mom, but my kids are strongly and staunchly their own people with their own ideas. I don’t always like that, but I respect it and work hard to let them know that I understand that they don’t see the world the way that I do.
Jennifer Howze says
Great tips. It is always good to remember that the ideal experience in our mind doesn’t always translate to reality. If we allow ourselves some leeway, we can all enjoy travelling more sometimes.
Jennifer Howze recently posted…Restuffing a stuffed animal: Moomoo never dies
Allison says
I have a child who is a reluctant traveler. He groans whenever we tell him we are going on a family outing and the thought of another plane ride does not excite him at all. However, he usually has a good time once we are on our way. I have employed most of your recommendations from time to time. They are good tips for traveling with all types of children, because even my enthusiastic traveler doesn’t like where we take her or just wants to go back to the hotel pool sometimes. I agree that it is important to accept and respect the feelings of the reluctant traveler, even if it’s difficult to understand them.
Allison recently posted…Find fun and relaxation at the Catamaran Resort
Gena says
These are great tips! Traveling with kids is so hard. And you know what? I am a reluctant traveler, too, so I know exactly how they feel sometimes! haha! Sure, sightseeing is fun, but a nap in the hotel room is more awesome! 🙂
Jamie @ Roubinek Reality says
These are such great tips. I especially like the idea that not every trip has to involve the entire family. Thanks for freeing me of that guilt. 🙂
Jamie @ Roubinek Reality recently posted…DIY Crib Bench
Kerry Ascione says
I found this post so funny, and I can totally relate! I don’t tell too many people that my kids complain have started to complain about being taken away for 4 – 6 weeks every other summer to travel abroad! That would make them sound rotten! But, as they become teenagers, that is what happens! My son is 16 now and we have been bringing one of his friends on our trips for the last three years. Now that my daughter is 11 1/2 we are planning to start bringing one of her friends along on our future trips. That does help a lot. All of your tips are great, and we try to use all of them! PS. we afford our travels with our kids by using international home exchange and it has been amazing. The homes always have things like pools, trampolines, bikes, scooters, sports equipment, swings, beach gear and toys, etc. One of our exchange homes even had a zip line!
All of these things make travel with the kids wonderful. Plus, the most of our exchange homes have WIFI so the kids can use electronics when they are experiencing withdrawals! I highly recommend international home exchange for all traveling families! Here’s a link to a good article if you want to post it on your site http://trustingtraveler.com/2013/12/17/families-and-international-home-exchange-a-perfect-match/
The Educational Tourist says
What a great post that shows that things don’t always smell like roses. We go to a lot of trouble to plan something for everyone – for instance we went to the Ducati motorcycle factory one year for the motorcycle fans and the rest of us took away some cool info on visiting a real factory.
We, too, use the disagree, but no whining rule. There is something wonderful to be gained along the way – even if the process isn’t #1 on your list.
Thanks for the post.
Natalie, The Educational Tourist
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