Santa's checking his list, don't be left out!
Holidays in Dallas are magical, and this list of classic events and activities will keep you and the kids as busy as little elves. If you need more information, just click on each activity suggestion and you will be whisked away by holiday magic to the activity website* Or if you are more old school, print this list and enjoy the satisfaction of putting a checkmark in each box as you travel around town catching Chrismas cheer.
*Okay, it's not holiday magic, its actually image mapping and I am so super excited that I figured it out. According to my techy husband, image mapping was really cool in the 90s, but I just figured it out circa 2012. I still think its cool. Enjoy.

What a cute checklist! It makes me want to return to Dallas so I can experience all things Christmas- after all, those window tubes at Neiman Marcus looked like they would be so much fun!
Before we left town, Joshua and I popped in to the Adolphus to see the French Room. We didn't have tea, but we did grab a Pepsi at the Rodeo Bar & Grill. That's kind of close, right? 🙂