~I've always been a dreamer. This is me circa 1984 in my Dream Tree~
I’ve always imagined my life was like a musical, and that with the proper mood or moment I could burst into a song fitting for the occasion. You may think I am speaking metaphorically, but this is actually something I do. I know it’s a little geeky, but I don’t sing out loud (much), so it’s not like I am hurting anybody. There are just times when only a song can say it best.
This week, as I have been preparing for our three month road trip, I have been singing “Something’s Coming” from West Side Story (the Barbra Streisand version, if that matters.) If you don’t know the song it’s about the electrifying feeling that percolates through the air when you just know that something life changing is about to happen. I’ve been feeling that this week, and it is exhilarating.
On the eve of our embarkation, the mood and the song have changed. I feel like I have reached the pinnacle of this experience, and I am ready for the downhill slide-the conclusion of the story, if you will. How is that possible with the entire trip ahead of us?
The best of what was to come from this experience was never in the miles traveled or the monuments we will visit. All those things are nice, but inconsequential. The best of this is in the dreaming, and in the believing in the dream. This dream has been whispering in my ear for six long years. This trip was my unreachable star. I have fought for this dream. I have clawed toward this dream. I have railed against the obstacles that stood in the way of this dream. Tomorrow, I claim the dream. Whatever happens after that is brand new story, but this is the climax of this one. I have achieved all I set out to and more. I dared to wish for something bigger than myself, and by God’s grace, that wish has come true.
I know you are dying to know what melody will underscore this next part of the story. It’s a country song with a whole lotta twang by George Strait called the “Road Less Traveled.” I’ll print the lyrics here for those of you, like my son, who thinks country music is from the devil, but I think it’s definitely worth a listen. (And as an aside, could someone please tell that boy he lives in Texas.)
There's a road a winding road that never ends
Full of curves, lessons learned at every bend.
Goin's rough unlike the straight and narrow.
It's for those who go against the grain-
Have no fear, dare to dream of a change- live to march to the beat of a
different drummer.
And it all might come together
And it all might unraveled
On the road less traveled.
For the road less traveled ain't for the faint of heart
For those who choose to play it safe and never stray too far,
Me,I want to live my life and one day leave my mark.
And it all might come together
And it all come unraveled
On the road less traveled
I’ll be singing this as we load up and pull out onto the road less traveled tomorrow morning. The lyrics give me comfort and courage. The road less traveled is scary stuff. Who knows what’s waiting out there. It could be bad. It could be life altering. It could be everything I’ve ever dreamed of. We just won’t know unless we dare to travel that path. So, off we go. Will it all come together or come unraveled? I’ll let you know.
Have an amazing time -I’m so excited to follow along!
Oh My! My heart skipped a beat when I read that you were leaving already! I am going to travel this road vicariously through you and your family. Tell Gary that we are praying for ALL of you. I pray that reverse camera on the truck works so there will be no campsite sqabbles! I pray that the electronic devices are all fully charged at all important times. I pray that the scenery of the trip keeps the boys inthralled. But most of all I pray that God keeps you safe and brings you home stronger than when you left!
With Love,
The Argenbrights
Woo Hoo! It's finally Go Time! Enjoy your trip, and go ahead and sing at the top of your voice. Just make sure nobody is pointing a video camera at you while you do it (A lesson I just recently learned during a rendition of the Spice Girls).