1. Baby Carrier. One of the best parts of camping is getting off the beaten path and going where no stroller has gone before. For that you will need some kind of baby carrier. The Ergo is absolutely my hands down favorite for comfort and versatility.
2. Travel Tray. Not only is the Eddie Bauer Travel Tray my favorite road trip gear, but it is great for camping, as well. Use it along with your stroller as a make shift table or at the picnic table to give your baby a clean place to eat.
3. Extra Shoes. Babies seem to be drawn to mud puddles, streams, and all other dirty things. An extra pair of shoes gives those cute little baby shoes a chance to dry.
4. Baby Wipes. Really, this is just a no brainer. Babies and camping are a messy business. Wipes are so convenient that I think I will be buying them for camping even after I no longer have babies.
5. 20 Foot Leash. It's for the dog. Just seeing if you are paying attention.
6. Large Rubbermaid Tub. Our campsite is usually covered with Rubbermaid tubs, as this is what we use to tote our food and other supplies. These also make great baby bathtubs when you need to clean off the grime.
7. Plastic Grocery Bags. Dirty diapers and dirty clothes all other dirty things need a place to go. Plastic grocery bags are great to grab for dirty duds.
8. Pre- Cooked Kid Friendly Food. Camping has a way of making even the littlest campers ravenously hungry. Little tummies sometimes just can't wait for the coals to get hot, so it helps to have a few ready to eat kid friendly meals.
9. Bounce Dryer Sheet. Tuck a bounce dryer sheet in your baby's back pocket for a natural way to shoo away the bugs. Snopes says it doesn't really work, but I live in the land of mosquitoes as big as birds, and I say it does.
10. Playpen. Safety is a major issue for babies and camping. Not only do you have to worry about fires, flora, and fauna, but the parent's attention seems to be more easily distracted with the business of camp life. A large playpen gives babies a safe place of their own to hang out.
Check out the other top ten posts at Oh Amanda
Great tips. You almost lost me at the leash. : )
Thanks for you sweet comment.
~ Mona : )
Monaβs Milestones
Haha #5. Sometimes you need that for the kid too. lol
The Rubbermaid tub idea is genius and one will now be accompanying us on our first camping trip. Thanks!
These are great tips! LOL at #5.
Blessings to you from NanaHood! New follower! Hope you will follow me back!
we have yet to take our lil one camping but the play pen is a MUST!
Hi, newest GFC follower, stopping by from the Tuesday blog hop!
Would love for you to stop by and say hello!
Thanks for the camping ideas. I haven’t taken the kids yet but would like to try sometime. New GFC follower…come follow back at http://thrivingwith5.blogspot.com
Great list! Love the idea of bringing a tub for a bathtub!!!
OH! If only I could go back in time to the day of our maiden camping trip with our boys several years ago! A large playpen would have been SO nice to have for our youngest as he was still a crawler at the time. He was the youngest kiddo in our large group of friends camping together, and it felt like I was just wrangling/cleaning him the entire time….so, it seems the rubber tote-bath idea would have been quite handy as well! π
at least i had plenty of shoes/clothes for him, but what a LOT of work. We’ll be giving it another go this summer…he’s 3 and potty trained now…i think it just might be FUN for everyone this time!
here’s hoping!! ha!
-heidi of:
Great tips, I’m a new follower from the blog hop. Please stop by my blog too.
You are BRAVE. We didn’t take our kids camping until they were 4 and 6 because there was just so much… stuff…
You are a lovely mother and your blog is so neat! VERY glad I found you via a blog hop. I’m a new follower…hooray! http://callmemamaleisha.blogspot.com
So many great tips! We are taking our little one (15 months old) camping for the first time this weekend, and the stress of remembering everything is already killing me! So this was immensely helpful.
Love the rubbermaid tub suggestion! Genius1
These are all such awesome ideas!! The Rubbermaid as a baby bathtub is awesome!!! π
Jamie @ Roubinek Reality recently posted…What I Wore Wednesday #WIWW
20 foot leash! hah. Great post!
This provides the actual information that I have been looking for. You have made it absolutely clear about investing money on appropriate gears, I especially love the idea of getting a play pen. You made it quite simple and easy to choose the appropriate and kid friendly items for camping! Thanks for sharing!
Great advice! I know many people are nervous to camp with their infant, but if they have some of these items it should be much easier!