The Birth of a Traveling Mama |
Where did this all begin? Well, it’s the kind of beginning that is hard to pinpoint. I supposed it started with me, a homebody with a wanderer’s spirit. When I am at home, I love to be at home, cocooning with my little family and unbothered by the outside world. But, after a stretch of being at home, my gypsy spirit starts to call to me to get up and go. It really doesn’t matter where, as long as it isn’t here. "I’ve seen here, I’m bored with here," I tell me husband.
My husband is a big part of this equation too. You see, he hit the jackpot when it came to family travel. By eating beans and perfecting the art of traveling on a shoestring, his parents managed to take their family around the world on a public school teacher’s salary. Every Spring break or Easter break or Christmas break, they were headed to somewhere exciting. And if they weren’t traveling somewhere, they were planning to travel somewhere. As a preteen and teenager, my husband was appropriately unimpressed with the whole experience. But, the wanderlust rubbed off on him too, because when I start to want to take off to someplace new, he has a lifetime of practicing to make it happen.
So in a nutshell, we met and married and traveled together and then had children. When we had our first child, I don’t know that we considered much how that would affect our ability to travel. I was too busy keeping charts of the number of diapers changed in a day and making flashcards to teach my one month old to read. (It was my first baby, so I claim new parent insanity.) Then, when baby boy was 12 months old, my husband had an opportunity to attend a class in Winchester, England. Of course, he had been to England several times, and I had never been. So, we set about figuring out how I could go along with him.
And that was the first of many times someone piped up and declared, "You can’t go overseas, you have a baby!" My first time parent insecurities started quietly gnawing at my plans. Maybe trips like this were another thing, like my previously flat stomach and full night’s sleep, which would have to be sacrificed on the altar of good parenting. But, I just didn’t buy it. I had a baby and I wanted to have more babies, and I wanted to travel. The baby seemed portable enough to me, so we ignored the naysayers, got an expedited passport for the baby, and took off for England.
Two days into the trip the quiet gnawing insecurities of before had become a yelling, screaming toddler with jet lag and teething pain. "Apparently," I told my husband, "you actually can’t travel with a baby." After two completely sleepless nights walking the halls with my writhing sweaty one year old, I was certain that I should have stayed home and completely discouraged. (My sincere apologies once again to the travelers who shared that hotel with us.) Not a very good beginning to what I had hoped would be a lifetime of idyllic family travel.
The following morning, my sweet son and I headed to Stratford Upon Avon to tour the Shakespearean landmarks. Along the way, we stopped to feed some overzealous geese, walked along the river and generally enjoyed the sunny winter day. We ended our day at the Holy Trinity Church where Shakespeare and his wife are buried. I was carrying my son in a backpack, talking to him about the church and what we were looking at around us. A lady stepped up to the altar where I was standing and listened briefly to my conversation with my son. For a moment, I was certain she was going to think that I had lost my mind, as I was blabbering about Shakespeare with a drooling one year old who was chewing intently on his fist. But, then I heard a crisp British accent say, "Don’t worry that he is too young to understand what you are saying. Everything you say and everything he sees will make an impression on his little brain." I chatted with her for a moment about how I wanted to take him to see new places and new things because I was certain it would help him to develop. She ended our conversation with a sweet, knowing smile and said "Keep doing good." And then she turned and walked away.
That was all the confidence I needed to know that I would continue to travel with my children. I wish I could thank that lady; she has had such an impact on my children and me. That single moment assured me that traveling with children was not only possible, but profitable. And it was the beginning of what I hope will be a lifetime of travel for us and for our children.
"the baby seemed portable enough to me" This had me LOLing!
And the rest of this post has me tearing up. I really, really like you. 🙂
Hello! New follower here. Your story has inspired me today. I’ve been married for almost 8 years and just recently had our first baby. Prior to that my husband and I traveled to many places together and always wonder if that passion of ours will need to be over now. Now I know that it can be done. We just have to do it on a tight budget since I’m a SAHM.
Thanks for sharing your story and I will be back for more.
You can visit me at
Oh I just loved this. I read a whole bunch already. But I have so many questions! How often do you travel like this? I have to read more. I love traveling, but we have not managed any "serious" trips since we had kids. I feel inspired. Although my husband likes to travel too, I don't think we have, together, focused all of our intention on going somewher (which is what I used to to do when I was single), and so it just hasn't happened. I do long to show my boys the world, so I'm going to keep reading your posts and see if I can figure out how you do it! Great stuff. You have lucky boys!
Wow! I love your outlook on traveling with children. My husband is studying to be an anthropologist and we plan to move all over with our children! I am a new follower and look forward to reading your stories. A follow back would be greatly appreciated 🙂
Love, LeeAnn
Well you make me feel a little better about the trip we are going to undertake in about 1 month. It is the first time to visit the family of my wife in a small village in Thailand. My kids are 5 and 20 months and I feel that the jetlag may also be the worst part.
Love reading your posts, keep us updated as you have a lot of great tips to share and some super interesting stories!
Love your post. It’s very inspiring. I’ve been travelling around the USA, Canada, Mexico and Australia for the past year with my husband and now 2 year old. It has had a lot of ups and downs, but has been well worth it.
Still, I’ve always had a thought in the back of my mind that I’m taking something away from him – best friends, a routine stable life etc etc. But deep down I know he has learnt so much from our travels and I’m proud to have done it! (Especially now I’ve read your fabulous post.) I would encourage all of my friends to ‘pack their little ones up’ and jump on a plane too. What a better way to enjoy each other and see the world at the same time.
From Brisbane, Australia
Hi! I am very excited to have found your blog. We are heading to Europe for 3 months in July with a 4 year old and 18month old. My husband and I are keen travelers, and I would love to know how you find travelling with 4children (I would like a 3rd but hubby isn’t keen) i feel mostly due to the added difficulty of having more than 2. Can’t wait to read more.
I love your outlook on life. I’m a lot like you. I also have 4 children and am part gypsy. Although my gypsy soul has not been fulfilled outside the US. I believe we shape our children from the experiences we give them and to give them insight into the world we live in is a gift that is priceless. I’d love to know how you find flights for your family of 6 that are affordable. Thanks for sharing your experiences.